
Welcome to Hope Surrendered!

I have a story to tell. It’s a story I want to share with you.

It’s a story of hurt and of brokenness, but it’s also a story about healing and hope.

As you will see as you get to know me, my daily walk is done in a way where I seek to be as obedient as I can in the way the Lord would lead me. Although I fall far short of His standard — as we all do — I’ve come to know and trust that if He leads, I need to be willing to trust Him and to follow. Doing so has provided me with a peace and hope through my challenges, and it has also planted in me a longing to deeply know Him more.

As we get to know one another, I’ll share some more of that story and my journey with you, but in the meantime, walk through the todays with me by surrendering your hope for the promise of finding something even better. It truly can happen!

Are you on Twitter or Facebook? You can also visit me in both of those places. Follow me, like my page, and let me know how His hope has impacted you, too! We all have a story, and I look forward to hearing yours!

Twitter at @HopeSurrendered
Feel free to email me at hopesurrendered@gmail.com
Oh, and one other thing… If you see ads below my posts, I, in no way, necessarily endorse these ads. They are sponsored by the company that hosts my HopeSurrendered.com webpage. If I ever do endorse, recommend or support something via a link or an ad, I’ll make it clear to you.

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