Finding Hope in the Desires of Your Heart

Sunrise.Desires of the Heart

Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

The Lord waits patiently for us to make Him the desire of our heart. When we finally do, our desires transform into His desires, and He is finally able to freely grant us the desires of our heart, because HIS desires are also now OUR desires.

So often, we wait in hope for Him to bless us by granting us our desires. On the surface, this verse might seem to promise just that:

“Lord, I’d like this for my life.”

“I’d like to be able to do this for you, for my family or for my church, Lord. If you’ll just help me…”

“If I could just have this, Lord, I’d finally be content and be able to focus more on becoming more of what you’d like me to be.”

Does any of this sound familiar to you? I know I’ve done it many times over. We all contain that rebellious part of our nature that will try to reason with Him in our mind (and on occasion, in our prayers) to convince our Self that what we really do desire is, of course, what He would also desire for us. We convince our Self that our desire must have come from Him, and it, of course, would be a good thing for us and for our relational walk with Him in the long run.

“…Thy will be done…” We’ve all prayed it. We’ve all said it. Yet, have we really meant it? His Will will never fall short for us. He’ll work all of what He allows into our life for His good and for our good, too (Romans 8:28). We can read that in His Word, and we can believe it on the surface and in our believing ways, but if we truly trusted that His Will was the best way, it would embody us to our core, and we would want nothing more. Instead of constantly going to Him with our often-carnal desires, our hope-filled prayers would be a yearning to know what He would desire of us, so we could then line up our Will with His.

When our desires are lined up with His desires, He WILL give us the desires of our heart! It’s a deep thought that we are challenged to wrap around in our minds, as we are so often focused on Self desires rather than His desires. He wants nothing but the best for us. That does not mean life will be perfect and always smooth-sailing, but it does mean that our joy will be complete in Him (John 16:24), by Him and through Him no matter what this earthy life throws at us.

THIS is the beauty of walking in fellowship with the Lord…

…of praying without ceasing,

…of doing His will,

…of living life through His ways,

…of honoring HIM with all that we do, say and think,

…and of following the path that He has laid out before us.

“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” He WILL give you the desires of your heart, because your desires will be His desires, and His desires will be your desires!

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