Finding Hope in Friday’s Death

…a post from a few years ago, but the reflections are still relevant…

Hope Surrendered

May you find yourself reflecting on what’s He’s done. This post is a more recent take on one done a few years ago about what today brings and how the death of a Friday can mean so much in our lives.

CrossOnHill.HSGood Friday.  It’s a rainy morning here in rural Appalachia, and it seems fitting for the day Christians around the world mark as one of death and darkness.

…To be beaten, flogged and scourged with a barbed whip until nearly unrecognizable;
…To have a crown of thorns pressed into my head;
…To be nailed to a tree with spikes through my wrists and feet;
…To die by crucifixion alongside common criminals…

No. None of this, I’ve imagined, could be good if I would have to experience it.
I haven’t had to, but I know Jesus has experienced it all.

How could it be that we’d wind up called…

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The Yearn of a Snowflake


Snowy flakes tapping on the window.
Come out! Come out! Come play with me!

Soon, the black and white landscape
will burst forth with a prism of life.
Winter will seemingly slumber
as it overfills the storehouses
preparing to burst forth a few seasons yonder.

Come out! Come out! Come play with me!

Today is my day to climb the trees,
to swing on the breeze and
to land wherever my Master pleases.

Come out! Come out! Come play with me!

For tomorrow I rest.
Tomorrow, I will be no more.